Paul and Emily's wedding celebration

Paul and Emily got married during lockdown and on Sunday took the chance to gather all their most important people for a proper celebration. It gave them the chance to do it just how they liked, which meant there were party games, action songs and the most chilled out jazz cafe atmosphere.

Emily’s sister trimmed the bottom of the wedding dress to make a more fun second version. And she surprised her Nannas with her gorgeous outfit.

This time, instead of peering in through the windows, the kids got to walk down the aisle and kick the ceremony off with their funny interview questions: “What colour is your car?” “Where is your new house so we can come and visit?”. The whole day was kid-friendly, and in turn very fun for the adults. Why don’t more couples plan pass-the-parcel for their reception? Guests throwing the present between the tables because they were so invested was the kind of silliness we want to see more often.

Brockholes Nature Reserve was a stunning backdrop for their day. All the fun took place in a beautiful floating room with huge windows looking out across the water. Definitely worth a visit, you can explore their walks and fun visitor centre.

We loved this fun, intimate wedding. If you’re planning your own wedding day - or a second celebration- we’d love to be involved. Why not drop us a message and tell us about your plans.

More photos for you to enjoy: