Rich and Deb's Wedding at Highbury Hall, Kings Heath, Birmingham

We had a proper knees-up at Rich and Deb’s wedding at the excellent Highbury Hall in Kings Heath.

Stick around if you like the sound of big giggles and an outstandingly beautiful venue.

Take a peek at their engagement photos just round the corner in Highbury Park.


Rich was busy meeting family in Highbury Hall’s elegant bar while Deb finished getting ready upstairs in the bridal suite with her sister, best friend and her daughter.

The ceremony was a hoot! I don’t think we’ve ever heard so much banter from a bride. Steve from the Birmingham Register Office met Deb’s match, and they had the room in the stitches! As she arrived, Steve mentioned that Deb looked beautiful. Deb said ‘Thanks, but I’m already getting married.’

After the ceremony the guests were ready with the confetti. After a few group shots everyone chilled in the glorious sunshine.

If you’re planning a wedding at Highbury Hall Birmingham and are looking for relaxed photography like this we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch here.

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