Mustard Yellow Photography

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#18: Order a Spare

Even the cake was in tiers is our series tips for weddings. The title comes from an overused and not so funny wedding speech joke, "It's been an emotional day...". What advice did you wish someone had told you before your wedding? We're collating all the etiquette and expertise here.

If you spent any time picking out a beautiful, coordinating arrangement for the grooms buttonhole you'll want it to be captured in your photographs. Usually there's a lot of hugging in the time between the ceremony and the formal group photos and the buttonaire doesn't always survive well. 

A few solutions: 
-choose a robust flower and arrangement
-have a spare copy of the grooms button hole
-if all else fails borrow one of the groomsmens'! 

Malc's beautiful orchid had lost on of its petals by the time we got to our photos in the park! Ask your florist if they can chuck in a spare for free- it's worth a try.