Mustard Yellow Photography

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#15: Group photos can be really dull

Even the cake was in tiers is our series tips for weddings. The title comes from an overused and not so funny wedding speech joke, "It's been an emotional day...". What advice did you wish someone had told you before your wedding? We're collating all the etiquette and expertise here.

It's probably everyone worst bit of a wedding, huddled around in the cold waiting to be lined up with a frozen smile and snapped as a group. But for some relatives in particular its an essential for the mantle piece. 

Some tips: 
-Less is more and more is less! Less photos is definitely easier on your cheek muscles and the main way to reduce the number of photos on the list is to increase the number of people in each group. 
- Do the large groups which require several people and the bride and groom in this time slot. But for other groups such as the bride with her girls make a separate list for your photographer to gather throughout the evening, which will make things a lot more relaxed. 
- Aim for fun and relaxed photos (you'll prefer to look at those ones)
-Don't expect to walk straight out of your ceremony into group shots, people will want to stop you to compliment the dress and you'll be desperate to chat to the friends you spotted as you walked down the aisle. Make some time for mingling.
-If there's any length of journey between the ceremony and the location for groups shots then expect a delay as guests take the wrong route, pop to the shop or check into their hotel! 
- Choose a place for group shots that is near to where your guests will be congregated- having to run inside and upstairs to get guests who are at the bar will cause frustrating delays.
-Think through a wet weather location in advance- it will save you a panic on the day.
-Also know that there are always guests who will refuse to walk on grass in their heals.
-Talk through your list with your photographer to arrange the numbers so that they build people in and out of the groups in a logical way. Particularly avoid moving elderly family members in and out of the scene too much.
-Consider putting the shot list up somewhere so everyone knows the plan. And be sure to nominate a couple of helpful friends to gather the up coming groups.

Obviously if someones going to be offended by missing out one of your groups then don't miss it out! It wont take that long, and its better than regretting it later. You could even split your list of shots between your venues so that you get a bit of a break.

Wow, that went on a fair bit longer than I'd anticipated... obviously hit a photographer's nerve!